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Stop wasting hours trying to find companies similar to your customers. CloneICP lets you instantly pinpoint ideal companies to reach out to.

"What a great customer." You think.

We've been working together for more than 2 years.

They always pay their invoices on time.

Their retainer is the biggest, and they never complain.

They've generated us 3x more revenue than the rest of our customers.

"I wish we had more customers like that."

So you decide to try and actually find more companies like that.

You go on Google typing "Competitors of Workers.IO."

Get a list of 20... 15 of which you have already reached out to.

You decide that maybe sales tools Like Sales Navigator, Apollo and ZoomInfo will give you better results.

You look at the Industry tag that lists in, you look at the revenue bracket and the company size.

Great, let's use that as the starting point.

In Apollo, Sales Navigator and ZoomInfo you put in all of the filters only to find that there are 50,000 companies that pop up.

Alright then, I guess that's the best I can do.

You have to admit defeat.

And start scrolling through the search pages.

"This company seems pretty good."

You click into it only to find the website not working.

You keep going, click into another one, and it does the opposite of what you thought it does.

20 pages in, with 40 good-targeted companies.

You've spent an hour to get a list of just 40 possibly good companies...

This can't be the only way...

"Why can you upload a list into Facebook and LinkedIn Ads and run ads instantly to "Lookalikes" but you can't do that for phone and e-mail outreach?"

Why do you have to spend hours manually trying to find companies to reach out to? 

Or why must you put your reputation on the line if you decide to reach out to all of them?

Why must sales people waste time building lists of ideal companies instead of writing e-mails and cold calling?  

These were all questions we asked at DataZn.

It seemed so obvious that the easiest way to build a starting list of companies would be to look at your best customers and just find companies similar to them.

But there was no easy and efficient way to do that.

So that's what we decided to solve.

We built a database of every business website in the world!

And created a technology that uses NLP to compare home-page text across all of the websites to see which ones are most similar to the ones that you want to clone.

Introducing CloneICP!

Imagine this, you put in a website and within minutes get a list of most similar companies.

That way you don't have to browse through 100s of Sales Navigator and Apollo pages to get a list of your customer's competitors.

Your sales team can focus on selling, and reaching out to companies that your current competitors don't even know exist.

It let's you test new markets and verticals in hours and not months.

Build a list, enrich it with contacts and start getting leads and generating revenue.

If that sounds like a dream, then all you have to do is fill out the form below and we will send you a list of 100 companies that match your best customer for FREE.


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By filling out this form, you agree to be contacted by the DataZn team for communication & marketing purposes.


How Many Hours does your team spend trying to find companies to reach out to per week? 

# of Hours Spent on Finding Companies per Week


Hours Without

(WO CloneICP)

Hours With

(Connect Rate)

$ per Hour

(Meeting Conversion Rate)

Hours Saved / Extra Hours for Selling

(Meeting Conversion Rate)

Opportunities per Hour

(Meeting Conversion Rate)

Extra Opportunities

(Meeting Conversion Rate)

Opportunity Conversion Rate

(Meeting Conversion Rate)

AVG Revenue per Opportunity

(Meeting Conversion Rate)

Revenue Difference with CloneICP


Try CloneICP

How does CloneICP Work?

Step 1:  You Send us a 1-3 websites of your best customers.

Your team provides us with 1-3 websites of your best customers or companies you would like to work with.
Step 2: DataZn team runs a CloneICP search.

We use CloneICP to build a list of 100 similar companies that you have provided.
Ste 3: You get a cloneICP list within a couple of minutes

We return the cloneICP list over e-mail for you to enrich and sell to.
Step 4: You generate leads and Pipeline.

Your team spends prospecting into accounts that match your ideal customer criteria instead of wasting hours tring to build lists using Sales Navigator or Apollo.

Regular Process



Who is CloneICP For?

CloneICP Process

Companies that use Apollo, LinkedIn and other Prospecting tools for Outreach.  

If your team is actively using Apollo, Sales Navigator, ZoomInfo or any other Sales Enablement software to build lists of companies to prospect into, the you will save time and improve accuracy using CloneICP.
Companies struggling with booking meetings

If your company is struggling to book meetings, even though you have the right messaging and great offer, then the problem is likely either the volume or prospecting into accounts that don't have the problems you solve.

CloneICP gives you lists of companies that match your customers characteristics.

You know that those companies will be a match for your offer since those companies already bought.
Companies Using Cold E-mail as an Outreach Tool.

If your team uses cold e-mail to actively generate leads, then CloneICP will let you speed up the account research prpocess before enriching accounts and contacts within those companies.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you also help us build a starting List of Contacts within those Accounts?

If a client requests it, we can also source lead lists from start to finish. We use our CloneICP and ConnectBoost to offer the most accurate lists of leads and speed up research time by at least 5x.  

How long will it take me to get my CloneICP List? 

Your list will be delivered within a couple of hours after you place your order. We recommend every user to try our data first.

How does the pricing work?

We have a volume-based pricing model with the costs dropping as the volume increases.

Once you test CloneICP and believe it's a fit for your company, you can request a list size of your choice and receive a quote from our team.

Is CloneICP GDPR Compliant

Yes! Our data comes from GDPR compliant public sources. Which is of course especially important in the European + APAC regions.

How will CloneICP impact my reps?

On Average a Sales Rep spends 1-2 hours per day trying to build lists of prospects or accounts to reach out to.

That's a waste of time! You have hired sales people to sell, and that's what they should be doing.

Not spending hours trying to find companies or people to reach out to.

Outsource that to the DataZn team and you take care of making money.

Can We Enrich the CloneICP Lists further?

You can Enrich the CloneICP lists further using any other tool you want. We will provide a guide on how to do it after you sign up.


If your team wants to test out CloneICP entirely for free, then just click on the button below.

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